Bike Setup Analysis


Video Based Bike Setup Analysis


Sports Injury and Performance Clinic
( 01 2052003  


Using Video cameras and our motion analysis software we can help you to find out the best sitting position on your bike.
All body axes and angles can be easily measured and collected into a report. The automatic tracking feature creates curves of the movement which can be used for a left-right-comparison in case of injuries.

Whether you're a triathlete with a time trial bike or a regular road biker we can help you get the most out of your bike with the correct set up. Not only will the right adjustments help improve your performance they will also help reduce risk of injury and excess strain.

The Analyst is a sports injury specialist and can advise you on any problems you might be having during the session as well.


Bike Fitting – What we do

Our main focus is on how your body works with your bike. If both are in sync and balanced with each other then the result is less strain and improved performance.

To get the two in sync however is not a matter of simply copying an elite fit position that is seen in Le Tour or the Hawaii Ironman if triathlons are your thing. There are many reasons for this but some of the key ones are

  1. Individual muscle and skeletal differences: Very few of us has the perfect posture and alignment that you would see in the medical textbooks. In fact the majority of us are further from this perfect alignment than you may think.
    For example:
  • Approx 90% of us have one leg shorter than the other
  • 3% of the population have a straight spine

Mostly these differences are small in magnitude and we can cope with them without any issues as we have developed muscle strength and flexibility imbalances to compensate. But as the bike is built in straight lines we need to assess whether your differences are large enough to cause an imbalance on the bike.

  1. Foot type and Foot to Pedal Interaction: approx 4% of people have a neutral foot. Yet pedals and shoes are designed with the neutral foot in mind.

Most cyclists (≈ 87%) display pronation or forefoot varus (which is forefoot pronation). As the foot is the main contact point between the bike and the body in respect to power output any excess pronation will impede performance. This is made worse if you try to sit an elite saddle height in order to improve aerodynamics as the extra stretch to reach the bottom of the stroke increases the pronation and thus reduces power.
Worse still, it causes injury.

  1. Strength and Experience: Elite riders sit very aggressive aerodynamic positions – it's their job. These positions are hard on the body though but as they do it day to day they have the strength to be able to ride this position without serious harm. One of the main reasons they can is that every elite rider out there does serious gym work. Most don’t bulk up like the track riders such as Hoy or Cavendish but they do enough strength work to avoid injury and get the most out of their body.

How much time do you devote to this side of your training?
We assess your strength and flexibility in order to identify your limits in the bike fit. In time as you get stronger we can improve the aero position and get more aggressive but if you are not capable of such a position now we will provide you with the best position available to balance comfort and power output.

On top of all these reasons, current or previous injury, limits your ability to sit on a bike like a pro. We can assess these injuries and judge how best to progress the fit. We can also recommend the best treatment and strength work needed to overcome these injuries making your recovery time as swift as possible.

Once you are stronger and injury free we can then be more aggressive with the fit.

The components of speed are power – aerodynamics and comfort but each individual needs more of one or the other to improve their fit and it may not be power every time.

We use a fluid trainer so please bring your own bike to the clinic for the test.
The analysis is done twice dring the session for a before and after adjustment look at you on your bike. Expect it to take about 1 hr - 1.5 hrs.

Please bring your bike shorts as you will be body marked and your clip in pedals etc. Basically dress as if you were going for a training ride.

Cost: 90 (Includes a full report)

If you're interested in a physiological set up test where you have your heart rate and breathing rate measured in each set up to find your best bike fit then please contact us for more details.

Click Here to Download a Sample Report

To make an appointment please call: 01-2052003
or e-mail: