CAT5 - The 5 Second Wetsuit Cleaner

CAT5 - The 5 Second Wetsuit Cleaner


Destroys Odour
Removes Damaging Impurities
Preserves Fit and Flexibility
Safe for wetsuits, wetsuit boots, aqua socks, flip flops and more.

Regular wetsuit maintenance will help extend the natural life of your suit.
With and without using a wetsuit cleaner:

�Cat5 uses�biocatalysis�to digest organic waste and eliminate �unfriendly� odor causing bacteria.

To Clean:
Simply requies a 5 second dip into the solution and then hang to dry. No need to rinse, it continues to work as it dries.

To Deodorize:
Mix it stronger and soak it longer.

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  • Model: 'cat5
  • Manufactured by: CAT5

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