elete tablytes (90)

elete tablytes (90)


Tablytes are balanced electrolyte tablets providing potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, phosphorus, sulfate, carbonate, and citrate. Tablytes are not a beverage or food add in like elete™, pure electrolyte add in, but, rather, a tablet that should be taken with water. The electrolytes provided by Tablytes are essential for the following functions:

These electrolytes also help prevent muscle cramps, conduct energy, regulate pH, control fluid balance, transport nutrients and help convert calories into active energy. Whenever the body loses or expends fluids, the body also loses critical electrolytes. Tablytes provide an easy way to replace the full balance of electrolytes. Tablytes are great for electrolyte loading and replenishment either before or after activity. Because Tablytes are designed for rapid digestion and absorption, they are quite moisture-reactive and can disintegrate if left in contact with humidity. For this reason, it is best to consume Tablytes with plenty of fluids shortly after they are removed from the bottleand to re-seal the bottle lid tightly after each use. It is important to only consume one tablet at a time with at least 8 ounces of water, consuming no more than one tablet per half hour.  Following these instructions, you can consume up to 12 tablets per day on an as-needed basis. Many people get best results from taking Tablytes at home for electrolyte loading and replacement and using elete™ with all hydration during activity. Those using Tablytes on the job site to help prevent heat fatigue can leave the bottle in a central location with drinking water so that workers can easily replace electrolytes on an as-needed basis with appropriate hydration. Tablytes provide a great balance and spectrum of electrolytes, all in true electrolyte form. True electrolyte form means that each positively charged mineral is balanced with a negatively charged mineral or nutrient in the case of citrate. in a way that they easily dissociate (or split) in water, thus becoming capable of conducting electrical activity. This is important because electrolytes need to be in electrolyte form in order to serve many of their respective roles within the body. Electrolytes also do their jobs within the body as a team effort, constantly switching positions with each other in order to do their work. This work is done best when there is a ready supply of the spectrum of electrolytes in proper balance. Tablytes are extremely high quality, full spectrum, electrolytes at a great price point. Buy Tablytes today and find out for yourself.

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  • Model: eletetablytes
  • Manufactured by: elete

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